Teepee Table Series

The Teepee  table series celebrates a fascinating culture. It drives its being from the iconic Native American Teepee tent which originally used by the Native Americans as a nomadic home. It was easy to construct, strong, durable and  used as a cultural center where rituals, arts & crafts, music and dancing took place.

Having the spirit of the design in mind and the fact that the product should match the home environment for young spirits, we decided to go in a direction of 'fresh' settings which also transmit a cozy atmosphere. The set design for this photo-shooting included 'warm' everyday objects to create the feeling of home in one hand, and organic elements to define a live and dynamic identity for the product.



Link to the project here


skinnycouple photography


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Phone: +49 (0) 151 70186558

             +49 (0) 157 31560889


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skinny || couple

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Email: info@skinnycouple.com

Phone: +49 (0) 151 70186558

             +49 (0) 157 31560889

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