We design and create scenes tailored

to costumer's needs.



We create visual stories for people who want to listen.


The Berlin based duo Tal Engel and May Kukula, graduates of the University of the Arts Berlin, live and work together in the field of Design and Photography.  As they both come from the background of product design they share the same love for creation. Their common grounds of attention to small details and story telling led them to collaborate and create a power team loaded with passion for set design and photography.




We give extra attention to our costumer needs.


We are here to listen to your story and involve you in ours. We take your needs and roll to the next level by building a concept which meets your requirements and standards.


Every story has a background of colors, patterns and shapes. Using our knowledge and experience with materials and set design we translate narratives from words into frozen moments.


Be it interior, product or commercial, we have true passion and skills. Using professional photography equipment we deliver high quality images which would make your grandma take her glasses off.


We take details seriously. Each selected image is going through a meticulous fine-tuning process to make sure you get what you want.



Meet the people behind the camera

May Kukula

Born in 1990 in Berlin, Germany. Studied product Design at University Arts (UdK) Berlin, Germany (2011-16) and IKDC Lund University, Sweden (2015-2016)


Grown up around the film business, Kukula developed a passion and 'eyes' for  visual aesthetics at an early age.

Working as an assistant at various film sets in the department of set design, she got to learn ways of telling stories using objects and gained tools to create compositions and spaces.

Her passion for the beauty of everyday objects drives her to take each project to its limits . She believes not in the product as a single, rather in the collection and curation of a number of entities which create a  unique space reality  and a story.


Tal Engel

Born in 1986 in Tel Aviv, Israel. Graduated in design at the University of the Arts (UdK), Berlin (2013-15) following product design studies at 'Shenkar' collage of engineering and design, Tel-Aviv (2011-13).


Working with different companies and design studios Engel got to know the field of products and interiors. In parallel, he gained much experience as an assistant and later as a photo studio manger.


During his training as a designer and photographer, Engel got to know the importance of the context in which a product exists. His knowledge imported from the world of forms and products add a value which Engel strives to put in his photography work.



skinnycouple photography


Email: info@skinnycouple.com

Phone: +49 (0) 151 70186558

             +49 (0) 157 31560889


Project Inquiries



Press Inquiries

Email: press@skinnycouple.com





skinny || couple

Mehringdamm 101

Berlin 10965, Germany

Email: info@skinnycouple.com

Phone: +49 (0) 151 70186558

             +49 (0) 157 31560889

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